Join the RARtivist movement to spread unexpected randomness and absurdity in the most unpredictable places. Let's fill the world with random weirdness and confusion, just because we can!

1. Gather Supplies
Collect random items. Literally anything. Crumpled paper, sticky notes, googly eyes, socks, bubble wrap, glitter—whatever you find lying around your house, preferably in a junk drawer or under your couch. The more bizarre, the better.

Please avoid anything sharp, sticky in the bad way, or alive.

2. Design and Decorate
Take your random items and make them even more random. Draw a mustache on your sock. Write a haiku about space tacos on a post-it. Tape a rubber duck to a balloon and call it “Fred.” Scribble abstract art that means nothing at all. Make every random object as confusing as possible.

Inspiration? Nah, who needs that? Just channel your inner weird!

3. Place Your Random Acts
Now for the fun part! Place your random creations in places where people will least expect them—like in the frozen food aisle, under a park bench, or in a library book (preferably something heavy like War and Peace). Watch their faces as they stumble upon your randomness, or disappear into the shadows like a quirky ninja of chaos.

No permission needed. It’s random, after all!

4. Spread the Word (or Don’t. It’s Random)
Tell absolutely no one what you’re doing. Or tell everyone. Whisper it into the wind or yell it at passing birds. Who cares? It’s random. If you do feel like sharing, just toss in #RARtivist and let the internet decide what it means.

5. Spread Randomness
As people find your random acts of randomness, they’ll be completely baffled and potentially bewildered. They may question their reality or look for hidden cameras. Embrace the confusion. You are now the bringer of chaotic joy and baffling weirdness.

6. Reflect and Share (or Not. Who Knows?)
Take a moment to reflect on what just happened. Did it make sense? Probably not. But that’s okay! Life is chaos. Share your reflections with a stranger or write it on a potato. Pass the potato along. Is this making sense? Good, it shouldn’t.

7. Repeat (or Don’t. It’s a Toss-Up)
Consider making this a part of your daily life or doing it once every blue moon. (Don’t wait for an actual blue moon though, unless you’re really committed to randomness). Every random act of randomness counts in the grand scheme of weirdness.

make randomness the norm
randomactsofrandom.org (Totally Not a Real Website)
RARtivist FOUNDATION (Which May or May Not Exist)

In a world where you can be anything, why not be... confusing?

Congrats! You are now officially a RARtivist. Go forth and cause delightful chaos. Or don’t. It’s random!

Somme gūy

Somme gūy