ChatGPT definitely isn’t bullshitting you

ChatGPT definitely isn’t bullshitting you

The paper titled "ChatGPT is Bullshit" by Michael Townsen Hicks, James Humphries, and Joe Slater is indeed a real academic publication. It was published in the journal Ethics and Information Technology in June 2024. The authors argue that inaccuracies in outputs from large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are better understood as "bullshit" in the philosophical sense explored by Harry Frankfurt, rather than mere "hallucinations" oai_citation:1,ChatGPT is bullshit | Ethics and Information Technology oai_citation:2,Michael Townsen Hicks, James Humphries & Joe Slater, ChatGPT is bullshit - PhilPapers oai_citation:3,Scholars: AI isn't "hallucinating" -- it's bullshitting oai_citation:4,Altmetric – ChatGPT is bullshit.

The term "bullshit" here is used to describe the models' indifference to the truth of their outputs, focusing instead on generating text that appears contextually appropriate. This characterization aims to provide a more accurate framework for discussing the behavior and limitations of these AI systems, particularly in contexts where accuracy is crucial oai_citation:5,Michael Townsen Hicks, James Humphries & Joe Slater, ChatGPT is bullshit - PhilPapers oai_citation:6,Scholars: AI isn't "hallucinating" -- it's bullshitting.

The publication has garnered significant attention, being in the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric, which tracks the online attention an academic article receives oai_citation:7,Altmetric – ChatGPT is bullshit.

For more details, you can access the full paper here.

Logical Flaws and Counter-Arguments

  1. Misapplication of Frankfurt's Definition of Bullshit:
    The paper applies Harry Frankfurt's concept of "bullshit" to ChatGPT, arguing that because ChatGPT is indifferent to the truth of its outputs, it produces "bullshit" rather than lies or hallucinations. However, Frankfurt's notion of "bullshit" fundamentally involves an intention to deceive or a disregard for truth in a way that is conscious and deliberate. ChatGPT, being an algorithm, lacks consciousness and intentions. It merely generates outputs based on patterns in data without any awareness or intent. Therefore, equating its outputs to "bullshit" misapplies Frankfurt's definition, which is inherently tied to human behavior and intention.
  2. Anthropomorphizing AI:
    The paper criticizes the use of the term "hallucinations" for AI inaccuracies, claiming it anthropomorphizes the models. Yet, by labeling AI outputs as "bullshit," the authors commit a similar anthropomorphism. Both terms, "hallucination" and "bullshit," derive from human cognitive and behavioral traits. While "hallucination" inaccurately suggests a perceptual process, "bullshit" inaccurately implies a deliberate indifference to truth. A more appropriate term might focus on the mechanical and pattern-based nature of AI errors, such as "predictive error."
  3. Overstating the Deception Argument:
    The paper posits that ChatGPT's design to produce human-like text can be seen as an attempt to deceive users into thinking it has intentions and beliefs, thus categorizing its outputs as "hard bullshit." This argument hinges on the controversial view that AI systems can possess intentions. Given that AI systems do not have consciousness or beliefs, attributing such qualities to them is misleading. The outputs of ChatGPT are the result of probabilistic computations without any underlying intent to deceive.
  4. Neglecting the Role of User Interpretation:
    The authors argue that calling AI errors "hallucinations" misleads the public and policymakers. However, the interpretation of AI outputs heavily depends on user understanding and context. Users are typically informed about the limitations of AI models, including their propensity for generating inaccurate or fabricated information. Educating users about these limitations can mitigate the risk of misinterpretation without resorting to loaded terms like "bullshit."
  5. Ignoring Ongoing Improvements and Contextual Use:
    The paper overlooks the continuous improvements in AI models aimed at enhancing their accuracy and reliability. Developers are actively working on refining AI systems to reduce errors and improve their utility in various applications. Additionally, the context in which AI is used matters significantly. In casual or exploratory contexts, minor inaccuracies may be acceptable, whereas in critical applications, safeguards and supplementary checks are essential.


The thesis that ChatGPT outputs are "bullshit" is flawed due to the misapplication of human-centered concepts to AI behavior, the anthropomorphization of AI systems, and the oversight of the dynamic nature of AI development and user context. A more nuanced understanding of AI errors as "predictive errors" or "pattern-based inaccuracies" would provide a clearer and less misleading framework for discussing AI behavior.

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